IMG_2670Courses I teach and information on them..

What are Independent studies ?  Get one-on-one instruction from a faculty member, develop research skills, illustrate your motivation, initiative-taking, explore an area of interest. Whether you are planning on graduate school or immediate employment, this is a worthwhile use of your college time.  A good basic description here and an outline of my expectations for them, here.

What should I register for? Fulfil your general education requirements early. Then work through the requirements for your major/minor. Take statistics and research methods AS EARLY as you can. I can help you pick between options based on your specific career goals.   GREAT PSYCH LINKS on:   Careers    Grad School

BOOKS YOU CAN BORROW (from me) with great info. Come by my office (Reed Lodge 222):

The Psychology Major: Career Options and Strategies for Success

Applying to Graduate School in Psychology: Advice from Successful Students and Prominent Psychologists

Majoring in Psychology: Achieving Your Educational and Career Goals